DiscipleNations is a
501(c)(3) non-profit.
Donations are tax-deductible.
Disciple Nations passes all donations given to the mission field directly to the mission field. 100% of your donation* is passed to the missionary or ministry work you direct it to. Unlike most organizations that charge a percentage of each donation to cover administrative fees, we purposefully have very minimal overhead and none of our missionaries are charged for any administrative work done on their behalf allowing your donation to reach where it was intended.
*credit card fees are taken by the credit card company before the donation is received by Disciple Nations. These fees of 2.9% are beyond our control. To keep these fees low, you can give through e-check (ACH) at a lower 1% processing. through the bank Likewise, you may choose to cover these credit card/bank processing fees when you make your donation.
Mailing Address
DiscipleNations, Inc.
P.O. Box 2
El Dorado, KS 67042
If you would like your donation to support a specific missionary, please write their name on the memo line of the check or add a separate note.