Disciple Nations serves the local church through Scriptural teaching, training, and practical practicing together so that each and every disciple can stand firm in the faith, articulate the gospel, hear and obey the voice of God, pursue intimacy with God through the Holy Spirit, and in turn lead others to do the same.
Our larger equipping bases put an emphasis of the body of Christ having the identity as a House of Prayer and spends an extended time in prayer and worship for this reason. Wichita Equip, for example, meets on Saturday so anyone wanting can still attend their regular Sunday morning service in addition to the equipping meeting, while others meet on a Sunday morning.
Disciple Nations serves to make disciples through a house church movement in Wichita and scattered across the state of Kansas. House Churches serve to be places where the Kingdom of God is easily manifested. While each House Church has its own 'flavor,' every house church is heavy in prayer, Believers dwelling in unity together in a home setting is much less intimidating population of people or serving a local neighborhood. They are heavy in prayer, but have elements of 'one-anothering' and teaching/equipping in the local context. While there are several house churches to participate with, we rather would like to help you start a house church in your neighborhood.
While some house churches have begun out of disdain for the traditional church setting, we do not believe this is the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17. We encourage unity between the church gathered in a building and the church gathered in the home, while recognizing that deeper fellowship and neighborhood outreach can often happen when smaller groups of people choose to press in and press on together.
Equipping bases serve the purpose spoken about in Ephesians 4, "...to equip the saints for the works of service."
House Churches serve to be places where the Kingdom of God is easily manifested.