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The History of Disciple Nations

DiscipleNations was registered as a non-profit 501c3 in 2012.  Disciple Nations, often referred to simply as "DN", was started with a passion for the Great Commission given by Jesus, or as we refer to it- “The global mandate of the resurrected King Jesus”.

DN desires to ignite Spirit-led movements of disciple-making and prayer in cities and nations for the glory of God. All of it’s missionaries will give themselves to serve the church by stirring up practical prayer strategies and multiplying relational discipleship. This will be accomplished through teaching, leadership development, practical ministry modeling, and finances.

We will serve anywhere and anyone who is ready to embrace these values for the sole glory of Jesus Christ. We currently work groups locally, regionally, and internationally. We work with building churches, house churches, and mission organizations. Currently we serve local doctors who have moved into poor urban areas to make disciples, leaders of multiple different models of church, leaders in west Africa, others going into Islamic dominated areas with the gospel, ministries reaching into North Korea, and with brothers reaching the un-reached in India. Though we will serve anywhere we love to focus on un-reached people groups with disciple making and prayer.

DN currently has a team of about 100 missionary couples who range from full time, part-time, and tentmakers. We are preparing to have a growing team for this mission both spiritually and administratively. By God’s grace, and his choosing, we will walk with this growing team to see the knowledge of his glory fill the earth even as the waters cover the sea.

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