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Jared & Joelle

Jared & Joelle

Jared and Joelle have been serving in Kingdom ministry for over 10 years with a divine vision to see the Kingdom of God - namely the rule and reign of Christ - advanced, especially among Arab Muslims within their own countries. This calling led their family, including their 5 children, to serve as full-time missionaries. Several years into their ministry while their family was living in the Middle East, the LORD began refining their understanding of their specific ministry assignment. He declared to them that He desires to use the Arab church to reach Arab Muslims with the Gospel of Christ so that Jesus receives all the glory.

As a result, God dramatically shifted their approach to ministry and called them to a equip Arab saints for the work of the ministry within their own communities according to Ephesians 4:11-16. Currently Jared and Joelle work in multiple countries across the Arab world, partnering with indigenous believers to strengthen and empower the various ministries entrusted to these churches and ministry leaders by the Holy Spirit. The practical application of their partnerships is submitted fully to the directive of the Holy Spirit and varies based upon the needs of the community of believers and the context of ministry. Their work involves teaching and training on Kingdom ministry, facilitating ministry partnerships, mobilizing strategic prayer, evangelism and discipleship leading to healthy gatherings, and spreading the love of Christ by ministering to the needs of the oppressed and afflicted.

In their hometown here in the United States, Jared and Joelle are fully committed to and engaged in serving the local body of Christ. Their heart and ministry is focused on seeing followers of Christ, both individually and corporately, walk worthy of their calling according to the power at work within them through the gracious gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit to the praise of His glory.

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