Eric & Candise
Eric & Candise
We are the Eric, Candise, Lilliana, Jaadon, Ava, Jadiah, Jonah, Carter, and Addie Loss family. We are now, after 17 years of marriage, a robust, nine-person family having three girls and four boys. Our country home is filled with lots of life, love, applied life learning days, and yes, challenges. Our pursuit of God (or rather His pursuit of us) and the knowledge of His will for our life has been the driving force and passion in our marriage and for our family. Of all that we gain through faith in Jesus Christ, may we never leave pure simple devotion to Him. It is the perfect alignment for our lives and is a foundational truth for discipleship. For without Jesus, we can do nothing but with Him all things are possible and because of that we have the victory. This is the message; this is our prayer: To see people everywhere beholding the Savior, yielding their hearts and lives, burning with His presence, and igniting all with the love of Jesus. </p>
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<p class="font_8">Both Candise and I love to be a refreshing for our brothers and sisters in Christ so that they may be encouraged in our mutual faith and love. We enjoy the joyous corporate gathering of believers but also cherish one on one ministry in house church settings. Candise enjoys intercessory prayer and ministering one on one; she seems to always know what to pray. My passion is evangelism and missions from the workplace to the marketplace and in every place; Jesus is always pursuing people. In October of 2021 during a prayer and worship night, we very clearly felt commissioned as a family. The assignment we would receive for kingdom work was to be for the whole family. We are so thrilled as we move forward with the assignments God is unfolding to us.