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Ryan & Becky Vandenberg

United States

“Becky and I live in North Idaho with our seven children. We have been serving and shepherding in multiple gatherings, equipping meetings and house churches since 2007. In 2016, while praying about our ministry, we received the word En Gedi (an oasis in the desert of Israel near the Dead Sea).

From this word, the Lord stirred in our hearts the call to walk with Jesus and His bride in a way that our lives, our family, and our home would be a place of rest and restoration. An oasis, where out of our hearts would flow rivers of living water! The call and mission of En Gedi is to create a place(s) for the church, family, friends, the broken and really anyone to come and find rest and restoration in the presence of our God. This world so often feels like a dry and lonely dessert but in Jesus we know there is a wellspring of rivers of living water to restore our weary souls.

The way our family team currently walks in this mission is by leading house church gatherings; men and women’s fellowships; encouraging and helping others build Christ centered families living on mission together as a team, and celebrations with the “living stones” that King Jesus has gathered around us here in North Idaho.”

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