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Disciple Nations embraces prayer as a central ministry in accomplishing the discipleship of all nations.  It is one of the two rails our ministry runs on. 

The Pentagon of Prayer is 5-fold strategy of prayer that is centered on Jesus... His presence, His great commission, and His prayer (The Lord's Prayer).  We use militant terms because prayer is powerful and effective [James 5] and because we are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires spiritual weapons [Eph 6:12].  We use the Lord's Prayer as a consistent structure in our approach to prayer, not out of legalism, but utilizing it's themes to keep us focused and in the Lord's will as we pray. 


The 5 areas of prayer and highlighted on this page below.

  • We will not accomplish this massive calling without a persevering faith-filled ministry of prayer.  Disciple Nations supports and help start day and night pervasive prayer meetings across the world.   These are often referred to as prayer rooms, but they may or not be open to the public, and not all are open 24/7.

  • We not only have daily prayer ministries, but are also committed to encourage and equip disciples to start and steward grass-root prayer meetings in their homes, workplaces, and schools. 

    Every Rabbi had a way that he taught his disciples to pray, so when Jesus was asked by His disciples how to pray, He gave them a means to pray that not only helps keep their prayers in focus, but moves us through the things that matter to God and set our hearts for worship.  The Lord's Prayer is a means to a vibrant prayer life when we being to pray like this, not repeating it over and over, but allowing the heart behind it to become our heart cry also.  This prayer has become the foundation that many of our prayer meetings jump off from and help keep prayer meetings focused on Christ.

  • We not only have daily prayer ministries, but are also committed to encourage and equip disciples to start and steward grass-root prayer meetings in their homes, workplaces, and schools.  Strategic/Missional Prayer is intercession for a specific purpose on location to what we are praying for.  This can be prayer walks in neighborhoods, but also in parks and places in the city where brokenness is obvious.  We also have prayed on location where there the need is great, such as the crisis at the US/Mexico border, un-reached nations, and immediate situations as the need arises.

  • We believe prayer is not only intercession for others nor corporate meetings.  It is relational with God through the person of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, we first choose to savor the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts and loving Him first and most as the Greatest Commandment says.  From our hearts having been with Him alone, we are then able to serve the Church to be people of prayer unified as one body, and we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ across cities and nations.   All of DN's missionaries are servants who give themselves to first to Jesus, then to practical prayer strategies and multiplying relational discipleship.


    Go to an alone place and pray!

  • We not only have daily prayer ministries, but are also committed to encourage and equip disciples to start and steward grass-root prayer meetings in their homes, workplaces, and schools.  Strategic/Missional Prayer is intercession for a specific purpose on location to what we are praying for.  This can be prayer walks in neighborhoods, but also in parks and places in the city where brokenness is obvious.  We also have prayed on location where there the need is great, such as the crisis at the US/Mexico border, un-reached nations, and immediate situations as the need arises.

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